This is a documentation for Board Game Arena: play board games online !
Your game state machine:
둘러보기로 이동
검색으로 이동
This file describes the game states machine of your game (all the game states properties, and the transitions to get from one state to another).
Important: to understand the game state machine, the best is to read this presentation first:
Focus on BGA game state machine
Overall structure
The machine states is described by a PHP associative array.
$machinestates = array( // The initial state. Please do not modify. 1 => array( "name" => "gameSetup", "description" => clienttranslate("Game setup"), "type" => "manager", "action" => "stGameSetup", "transitions" => array( "" => 2 ) ), // Note: ID=2 => your first state 2 => array( "name" => "playerTurn", "description" => clienttranslate('${actplayer} must play a card or pass'), "descriptionmyturn" => clienttranslate('${you} must play a card or pass'), "type" => "activeplayer", "possibleactions" => array( "playCard", "pass" ), "transitions" => array( "playCard" => 2, "pass" => 2 ) ),
Game state ID
The keys determine game states IDs (in the example above: 1 and 2).
IDs must be positive integers.
ID=1 is reserved for the first game state and should not be used (and you must not modify it).
ID=99 is reserved for the last game state of the game (end of the game) (and you must not modify it).