This is a documentation for Board Game Arena: play board games online !

모든 공개 기록

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기록 목록
  • 2024년 7월 2일 (화) 15:35 Moonyo 토론 기여님이 Gamehelpmascarade 문서를 만들었습니다 (새 문서: ===Gameplay=== Choose a scenario or randomly draw one to play. The other masks are removed from the game. Each player takes 6 coins and a mask. The remaining coins and masks, depending on player count, are placed in the middle. The justice board starts empty. After everyone has read and remembered all the masks, turn them face down. On your turn, take an action from view, exchange or announce. If you choose to view, secretly look at your mask. If you choose to exchange, take yo...)
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