This is a documentation for Board Game Arena: play board games online !
모든 문서
둘러보기로 이동
검색으로 이동
- About Board Game Arena
- About us
- Aboutus
- BGA Game licences
- BGA Game licenses
- Browser support
- Club
- Club Board Game Arena
- Contact
- Contact us
- Deck
- Development
- Development FAQ
- Development file reference
- Development function reference
- Faq
- First steps with BGA Studio
- Game art: img directory
- Game clock
- Game database model: dbmodel.sql
- Game interface logic: yourgamename.js
- Game interface logic (yourgamename.js)
- Game interface stylesheet: yourgamename.css
- Game layout: view and template: yourgamename.view.php and yourgamename yourgamename.tpl
- Game material description:
- Game meta-information:
- Game replay
- Game statistics:
- Gamehelpabandonallartichokes
- Gamehelpacquire
- Gamehelpagricola
- Gamehelpakeruption
- Gamehelpamyitis
- Gamehelparknova
- Gamehelparmadora
- Gamehelpautomobiles
- Gamehelpazul
- Gamehelpbahamataxi
- Gamehelpbandido
- Gamehelpbang
- Gamehelpbombay
- Gamehelpburglebros
- Gamehelpbutterfly
- Gamehelpcantstop
- Gamehelpcarcassonne
- Gamehelpcardiceo
- Gamehelpcartographers
- Gamehelpcatan
- Gamehelpcaylus
- Gamehelpchallengers
- Gamehelpcheckers
- Gamehelpchinagold
- Gamehelpcoloretto
- Gamehelpcolorpop
- Gamehelpconnectfour
- Gamehelpcosmoctopus
- Gamehelpcoupcitystate
- Gamehelpcubirds
- Gamehelpdarkagent
- Gamehelpdiams
- Gamehelpdigupadventure
- Gamehelpdingosdreams
- Gamehelpdistilled
- Gamehelpdobble
- Gamehelpdominion
- Gamehelpdragonheart
- Gamehelpdudo
- Gamehelpdungeonroll
- Gamehelpearth
- Gamehelpeightmastersrevenge
- Gamehelpelfenland
- Gamehelpelpasogwt
- Gamehelpenemyanemone
- Gamehelpevergreen
- Gamehelpevolution
- Gamehelpfaraway
- Gamehelpflipseven
- Gamehelpfruitpicking
- Gamehelpgaiaproject
- Gamehelpgearnpiston
- Gamehelpgizmos
- Gamehelpgomoku
- Gamehelpgonutsfordonuts
- Gamehelpgosu
- Gamehelpgrandbazaar
- Gamehelphaggis
- Gamehelphanabi
- Gamehelpharmonies
- Gamehelphawaii
- Gamehelphearts
- Gamehelpheat
- Gamehelphex
- Gamehelphive
- Gamehelphomesteaders
- Gamehelpincangold
- Gamehelpinnovation
- Gamehelpintheyearofthedragon
- Gamehelpjaipur
- Gamehelpjumpgate
- Gamehelpjustdesserts
- Gamehelpkado
- Gamehelpkalah
- Gamehelpknister
- Gamehelpkoikoi
- Gamehelpkrakenup
- Gamehelpladyandthetiger
- Gamehelplama
- Gamehelpletscatchthelion
- Gamehelplibertalia
- Gamehelplivingforestduel
- Gamehelploveletter
- Gamehelpluckynumbers
- Gamehelplure
- Gamehelpmachiavelli
- Gamehelpmarrakech
- Gamehelpmascarade
- Gamehelpmetromaniab
- Gamehelpmiddleages
- Gamehelpmojo
- Gamehelpmutantcrops
- Gamehelpnanatoridori
- Gamehelpnarabi
- Gamehelpneutreeko
- Gamehelpnextstationtokyo
- Gamehelpniagara
- Gamehelpnoah
- Gamehelpnorthwestpassage
- Gamehelpnothanks
- Gamehelpoasis
- Gamehelppandemic
- Gamehelppapayoo
- Gamehelppaxrenaissance
- Gamehelppente
- Gamehelppotionsofazerland
- Gamehelppuertorico
- Gamehelppylos
- Gamehelppyrgos
- Gamehelpquantum
- Gamehelpquarto
- Gamehelpquoridor
- Gamehelpraceforthegalaxy
- Gamehelprainbow
- Gamehelpratjack
- Gamehelpregicide
- Gamehelpreversi
- Gamehelpriftforce
- Gamehelprollingpins
- Gamehelpsaboteur
- Gamehelpsaintpetersburg
- Gamehelpsasaki
- Gamehelpschroedingerscats
- Gamehelpseasaltpaper
- Gamehelpseasons
- Gamehelpsechsnimmt
- Gamehelpsenet
- Gamehelpseotda
- Gamehelpsevenwonders
- Gamehelpsimilo
- Gamehelpskull
- Gamehelpsobek
- Gamehelpsolo
- Gamehelpsplendor
- Gamehelpstalkexchange
- Gamehelpstirfryeighteen
- Gamehelpstoneage
- Gamehelpstrands
- Gamehelptakenoko
- Gamehelptanghulu
- Gamehelptargi
- Gamehelptheboss
- Gamehelptheguildofmerchantexplorers
- Gamehelpthejellymonsterlab
- Gamehelpthelast
- Gamehelptheninedomains
- Gamehelpthermopyles
- Gamehelpthewhitecastle
- Gamehelpthirtyone
- Gamehelpthroughtheages
- Gamehelptichu
- Gamehelptickettoride
- Gamehelptimemasters
- Gamehelptobago
- Gamehelptokaido
- Gamehelptortugasixteensixtyseven
- Gamehelptournay
- Gamehelptranquility
- Gamehelptrio
- Gamehelptroyes
- Gamehelptrusis
- Gamehelptumbleweed
- Gamehelptwelvechips
- Gamehelptwinpalms
- Gamehelptzolkin
- Gamehelpunclechestnuttablegype
- Gamehelpunitedsquare
- Gamehelpwarchest
- Gamehelpwerewolves
- Gamehelpwingspan
- Gamehelpyaniv
- Gamehelpyatzy
- Getting started
- Grade
- Help
- How to join BGA developer team?
- Logos
- Main Page
- Main game logic:
- Moderation and grades
- Moderationpolicy
- Multipleaccounts
- Players actions: yourgamename.action.php
- Players actions (yourgamename.action.php)
- Post-release phase
- Practical debugging
- Privacy
- Rating
- Referral
- Reputation
- Scrollmap
- Sponsor
- Steps to create a BGA game
- Stock
- Studio
- Studio FAQ
- Studio back-office
- Studio file reference
- Studio function reference
- Studio logs
- The Boss
- Tips abandonallartichokes
- Tips bandido
- Tips bang
- Tips bunnykingdom
- Tips cantstop
- Tips carcassonne
- Tips cardiceo
- Tips castlesofburgundy
- Tips catan
- Tips coltexpress
- Tips cosmoctopus
- Tips gizmos
- Tips harmonies
- Tips hearts
- Tips livingforest
- Tips painttheroses
- Tips president
- Tips reversi
- Tips sechsnimmt
- Tips sevenwonders
- Tips splendor
- Tips stoneage
- Tips terraformingmars
- Tips wingspan
- Tips wizard
- Tips yatzy
- Tipwingspan
- Tools and tips of BGA Studio
- Translation guidelines
- Translationguidelines
- Translations
- Tutorial gomoku
- Tutorial reversi
- Your game state machine:
- Zone
- 대문